Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fellowship Interviews: Philadelphia


So, Steve has been interviewing for fellowships, and so far the front runner is Philadelphia. Of course, if it was our choice, we would stick with Dallas, but the more and more he interviews, the more he realizes that things are very competitive and it's almost mandatory for him to go out of his zone of training, and learn new things. 

So, while I hate the idea of moving for JUST ONE YEAR Seriously? I have had to wrap my head around the fact that it may happen, and that it may actually be good for our family in the long run, as he is likely to get a better permanent job after that fellowship. 

As far as our decision and what we should do, it is up to the MATCH, but I try to be positive and get excited about each prospect. 

So, while looking at rental homes in Philly (to get an idea of budget) we have found a ton of row homes with brick walls, and not much square footage. But, I always like to sort of imagine how I would decorate such a different style of home in the event that we move. We will probably sale most of our stuff, except for our beds and tv. But we may need to go to IKEA to get a mini couch, as most of the rentals are no more than 800 square feet on our budget... Yeah.... 

So, here is my Row Home/ Decor Style! 

What do you think? Kinda cool huh? 

Row House Decor/Philadelphia

I love that the rental homes in the North East have such awesome architecture and charm! If only they didn't rent for so dang much! 
I'm going to create a style board for Denver too! This is really fun!


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