Monday, May 5, 2014

Essential Oils: The Honest Veredict

Essential Oils: The Honest Veredict

It's been about 3 months since I first got introduced to essential oils. And the moment I heard the class, sat down to take it all in, then spent days doing my own research, spoke to Steve (the Dr. Hubs) I came to the conclusion that I wanted to really take steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Now, are essential oils magic elixirs that will get you there? The answer is yes & no.

One of the questions that was asked during the Doterra Demo was, what were our health goals. What did we want to change or improve? I really thought about that because 3 months ago, I was taking Xanax, Wellbutrin, and Zoloft for anxiety. I really didn't want to take or have that many medications, but I have ALWAYS been anxious. I remember being 8 years old and worrying about the end of the world or asteroids hitting earth. While that may sound funny, it caused me a lot of anguish. I constantly had neck stiffness from all my tense muscles! As I grew older, the worry just became part of my life. Well, about a year ago, things got BAD. I was anxious all the time. I worried about the kids and had dreams of them having some sort of deadly disease. I worried about flying (terrorists mostly) and I worried that I worried about things that are actually sort of far fetched. Finally, went to the Psychiatrist who immediately diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and put me on medication. 

The medication was God sent! It changed me within weeks! I was happier, more alive!!!! Sleeping!!!!!! 

And then, about 2 months in, I started to get the side effects. I will spare you the entire spill, since it's sort of TMI. But I was starting to think that it was fine, because at least I was better. 

People, here is the thing. Medication is awesome! We are lucky to have been born in a time with medical advances, and we are able to live longer!!!! Hooray!


We are also overusing it.  The moment the Psychiatrist saw my side effects, he prescribed another medication to counter them.  That's when I knew, that I could not be on this forever, and then started to do research about what my plan B was going to be, for dealing with my anxiety.

My friend Tasha invited me to the Doterra Demo one night after I posted a question about essential oils on facebook. I had heard about 'oils' and people spoke about them like some sort of magic potion. I wanted to know more, so I went to the demo. 

The moment I saw that there were specific oils to deal with anxiety, I knew I wanted to know all about them. You see, I had a need, and there was an answer. 

I left that night without ordering, I went home, and being the skeptic that I am, I did my research. My husband, (a surgical resident) didn't really want to look into the claims. He knew how much I wanted an answer and help, so he just let me make my own opinion. 

I decided to book a class, and look into it more.  After I hosted, I ordered the cheapest kit (Essential Oils are pricey!) So, I waited a few days, and when they arrived, I started to look up ways on how to use them for my need. 

A few weeks passed, and I didn't see a difference, BUT I was only using them once in a while, and really needed to educate myself on the proper application etc.  

I decided to really start changing the way I looked at the oils. I felt the investment was big for us, and so I must get something out of them. I started using them on my kids for treating bruises, headaches, tummy aches and the like. They worked. 

Great! Now, I knew I was to wean myself off of medication, so I needed to figure out how to use them for my anxiety. I went to Google for all the answers. My consultant also helped so, it was really nice to have that aid.

Not wanting to be limited, I went on Pinterest, and started a Health and Wellness Board to 'pin' all the oil recipes I could find.

I started to put lavender oil on my pillow for sleeping, using Breathe in the shower, Deep Blue I used for any minor bruise, and Digest Zen for any stomach issue. I made them, the go-to medication. In the morning, I would get up, and sniff the Wild Orange essential oil. This oil smells nice, so part of me was just wanting to smell it! :)  

And then, it happened. I started to wake up more rested. I then had a bit more energy, and so I decided to start working out by running outside and taking my dog for a longer morning walk. Then, I was more energized. I got brave and lowered my Zoloft and Wellbutrin dosage. Then one day, I signed myself up for the gym. 

A month and a half later, and now, I'm working out everyday, five days a week. Eating CLEAN (I have NEVER eaten clean, like ever!) and lost 6 pounds and still losing weight! 

BUT best of all?! I'm no longer on medication! 

Yes, I stopped taking it!

And when I get anxious, I put on some lavender, or take a shower and add some essential oils in the shower when it starts to steam.

The other changes are the following: 

Protein Shake before my workout, and take my glass bottle of cold water for hydration to the gym, but I also add one drop of Wild Orange in there. 

 I run everyday, and also lift weights. That is a WHOLE new world for me! I use my deep blue essential oil for soreness post workouts. 

Sad day a week ago, when I came down with a cold. I didn't want it to mess with my work out, so I looked up recipes on pinterest, and went with this one, and oh, what a difference it made!

3 days after, I was over my cold! SWEET!

Continue to eat clean, and adding more oils into my food and drinks. 

So the verdict? Essential oils work. BUT you must be consistent. You won't see overnight results, at least nothing ever comes easy for me it seems! ;) But I wanted the change, I wanted it bad, and here I am 3 months later. Feeling happier, and healthier!

 Using the oils in my food seems to be most effective. I feel it cleaned out my system allowing me to avoid fatty foods. 

So, if you are on the fence about essential oils, then I hope this helped. Another thing, don't buy them if you can't afford them! But if you want them, then start saving for them! Change your habits, and reap the benefits!


How have essential oils helped you out? I would love to hear testimonies!


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