Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I Want a House of Order.

If you take a look around my house, you will know that I like to decorate. I like frames, plants, layers, baskets etc. 

I like the warmth of a cozy blanket, and the texture of a good basket. That defines home to me, it makes me feel like HOME is giving me a bear hug! 

The moment we moved into this house, I worked really hard at making it a home. I made great purchases and some that weren't that great. I have hand me down furniture from family, friends, and things that we have accumulated over the years. 

All in all, now that we are packing, we find ourselves soooo overwhelmed and angry almost, at the thought of having to figure out what to do will all of the STUFF.

There is so much value in this stuff, not monetarily but sentimental value that it made me kind of cry the first few days we started to weed things out. But, as the weeks have gone on, I have become excited at the thought of donating, selling, and getting rid of things, as I know that as of now, those very things are what have been stopping me from becoming the mom that I want to be. 
I spent WAY too much time de-cluttering, rearranging, cleaning, and just doing chores on my days off to be able to spend adequate time with my kids! 

Also, my kids can't handle their stuff either! They are overwhelmed! So much so, that they hardly go into their room to play anymore! 

I have yelled, hurt feelings, and forced the kids to clean things up on too many occasions, and feel ashamed that I didn't see that the issue wasn't so much them (they do have something to do with it) but that the issue was that we have TOO MUCH! 

First of all, what a blessing to be able to type that ^^^!!!

I decided that I crave a HOUSE OF ORDER!

I want a house of peace, and happiness! All of which can't be accomplished right now, with all of this chaos. 

What good is a home that looks cozy and inviting, only to find that it really isn't?

I have decided to let things go. Really. 

I want to spend time watercolor painting with Olivia without worry that I have to clean up something or put something away, whatever that may be. 

I want to walk to the park with Matthew more, and to relax! 

I want a minimal home. It will still be warm, inviting, and cozy, only this time, it will be simpler.

I'm taking only our furniture that we use, and things we truly totally can't live without, like some wall decor and baskets... I LOVE BASKETS! But other than that, we are donating, selling, and gifting! 

I will only keep what I love, and use on a daily basis. Same with Steve and the kids, we will only take what we use. I told the kids, that we should travel light, because you never know what adventures await! 

And it's true! If you are tied down to belongings, you can't see the big picture as clearly. The reality is, we have not been living within our means. We have a 1500 square foot home, and we are living like we have a 2500 square foot home. It just doesn't fit! 

I want to soak in these moments with my family, and sadly, and for a long time, I have been on autopilot, but no more.

Here is to a NEW simpler chapter in our little family. Where adventures await!


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