Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Matthew Gets Braces!

Phase 1: Four Braces

So, Matthew got braces on 4/7/2015! Haha! I'm making this a bigger deal than it is, but it is to me! 

This is phase 1 of his treatment, and if we are basing his treatment on genetics, he has a long road! 

So far Matthew has had his expander for about 2 months, and because of the upper roof expansion, his front two teeth created a gap or "window", so, now that his expansion is where it needs to be, we no longer move that, and just wait for the bone to grow and work on closing the gap on his front teeth. 

He only has 4 little braces, but I feel braces are a rite of passage into tween-hood! He's no longer a kid, and is more of a tween! Not really, but he looks older than 11!

Anyway, yesterday, we went excited/nervous because we didn't know if his braces where going to be put on, as he had to get his expander thing measured one last time, before moving into the braces phase.

He knew it was likely to happen, and it was scheduled as that, but we still could have done it a week later. So, he was nervous, as he didn't know what to expect. He worried that having only 4 braces would look weird, but they look totally fitting for him!

This is the before shot! ^ 

And another one! He was really annoyed that I kept taking pictures!

 He knew he wanted green rubber bands, so he made sure to tell the Dr. what hue of green he wanted! not lime green, but camo green!

He totally looks fine with braces. I feel you can either look totally normal with the brackets or weird. He's a normal looking kid!

We will see what his friends say at school today! He was a little nervous, but I told him to just smile like normal, and people will get used to it quick. 

Will let you know how his day went!


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