Monday, August 12, 2013

Room Tweaking

I'm in full cleaning mode right now.. and I'm kind of freaking out! I can't believe is almost time for the kids to go back to school!

I have to say, although it will be nice to have my routine back (gym, work, and clean) I will miss the kids terribly! This summer went by really fast! Part of it I think it's because the kids are getting older and so our activities are much more interactive! Like if we go to the pool, I now get to swim and play tag with them, instead of being on lifeguard duty like when they were little. I love and miss my kids as babies, but I'm much better at being a 'kids' mom than a toddler mom. Or at least I'd like to think so. 

In any event, with back to school, comes getting the house back together after being a big fat mess for two months! I originally wanted to re-do the kids room simply because I feel Matthew & Olivia are outgrowing the green/orange theme I originally had for them. I wanted something more mature... and since I had an extra gray gallon of paint from my office re-do from last year, I seriously considered re-doing their room to a more "Restoration Hardware" look. But after about two days of consideration, and breaking down all the new items I would need to get to change things up, I decided to just leave it. Since we only have two more years in this house, I figured we can leave it and then maybe our next space the kids wont have to share a room in which case I can really go all out. Still, the carpet was looking tired, and after cleaning it it looked kind of gray, so I decided to just add a bit of color and organization to make things feel fresh again! So, I headed to IKEA and found a cute rug, and got two wicker baskets for their bookshelf. It is seriously amazing what a bit of color and organization can do! Not to mention a bit of cleaning! The room looks happy again, and we are ready (well, I'm not!) but at least the room looks ready for another school year! I'm sure I will be a sobbing mess the first day of school, but at least the room is organized!

Here are some of the pics:

I got a cute orange and white polka dot rug & two baskets to organize legos.

The wall above the bunk beds needs some molding, but I decided to just add the little garland I made for Riley's bday to fill the space and add more color. I think it looks cute!

The rug really makes things fun again! And it looks like the wall got new paint because of it!

I decided to bring out the cuter toys to make the room feel more stylized but really, these are some of Matthew's favorite play things.

Here are the wicker baskets! I really like that they added texture to a bland book case! I almost want two more... but maybe later. 

I'm just glad the room is semi back together for back to school! 



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